
It’s been a beautiful, wonderful week. There’s nothing quite like the body of Christ joining hands and working together to share Christ’s love with others. So we were beyond excited to welcome a team from Grace Church in Akron, Ohio last week. A mix of middle school students, worship team members, parents and leaders, they came with hearts ready to love and hands ready to serve. 

The team spent some time at Roots & Wings, getting to know and love on our little ones. It allowed some the opportunity to meet their sponsored child and their families and a few even got their hands dirty and pitched in with the construction. 










Wednesday kicked off a three day Vacation Bible School for the children who live in the communities surrounding Roots & Wings. The Grace Church team along with members from our local church, Centro Familiar Amor y Libertad (CFAL) put together a special program for the kids.

The children learned about the perfect world God created, how sin entered the world, that we are all sinners and about the free gift of salvation that is available through Jesus. Each day was filled with dramas, crafts, games and fun! 

We especially enjoyed reconnecting with friends and children in the community that we no longer see on a regular basis. It was a time of strengthening existing friendships and building new ones. 

















Then on Sunday the team from Grace Church and members from CFAL were back. Together they put on a worship night for everyone in the area. It was beautiful listening to the voices of the children as they sang along.

It’s impossible to list all the ways in which we were blessed by Grace Church… but we are so thankful for all your hard work, your hearts for Roots & Wings and our children, for blessing our community, and for encouraging the three of us to continue pursuing Christ and His vision for Roots & Wings.

But the excitement did not end there. Monday morning a team from YWAM Tijuana arrived at Roots & Wings ready to work. They moved 3000 bricks onto the property so that the construction crew could start building the walls of Phase Two! Check our Instagram for the progress so far.






Thank you to everyone who visited this week. Thank you for blessing Roots & Wings, our children and our community!
