Multiple Choice

With $50,000 dollars you could:

a) Buy a new car. (Or two.)

b) Grab a friend and backpack across Central and South America for a year.

c) Rent a helicopter for 10 hours.

d) Build the first level of a childcare center for needy children in Mazatlan, Mexico.

Yeah, we liked that last one as well.

50k. That is the magical number that will complete the first stage of the Roots & Wings childcare center. After weeks and months of consultations, deliberations, chatting with architects, contractors and the brick layer next door, we have received estimates that have brought us to this simple, yet incredibly daunting number.

We are still finalizing the last details of the floor plans. We are still talking to anyone and everyone in the Mazatlan construction industry. We are still researching building supply companies and price checking materials. And as such, we debated whether it was too premature to share this number with you. But we know that everything we are trying to accomplish is impossible without you and so there it is.

So as we stand on the brink of one of the biggest challenges Roots & Wings has faced thus far, we asked you to do one thing: PRAY.  

Pray for Roots & Wings. Pray that God would show up in a BIG way as we launch this first, crucial fundraising campaign. Pray the Lord moves hearts all around to give. And pray that God would reveal what role He has chosen YOU to play in the building of this ministry.

I know we say this all the time,  but we are oh so excited to see how God provides. 
