Some weeks just seem to fly by. Outside our windows, Phase Two of construction is taking shape rapidly. The crew works quickly and efficiently as if working long hours in the hot sun does not seem to affect them. Children and adults alike can often be caught staring outside, mesmerized by the whole process.
The pace at which things are moving along is exciting. And at times a little daunting. We still need much of the funds necessary to complete the construction and furnish Phase Two. We need to continue to build up our monthly support base so that we are able to hire more staff. We need to find staff: capable individuals who have a passion for this ministry and community. And we need to train these individuals. All this needs to happen so that when Phase Two is finished, we can smoothly transition our children into their new rooms and routines and begin the process of accepting new children.
But we are not overwhelmed. Phase Two will be completed according to God’s timing and He will provide. Please pray and ask God how you can be a part of what Roots & Wings is doing in our little corner of Mazatlan. Also please join us as we pray for God’s provision in the following three areas:
1. Funds needed for the completion and furnishing of Phase Two
2. Committed monthly sponsors
3. Qualified and capable staff who have a God-given love for our children and community.