A Day in the Life…

Wash up. This is the first thing that happens when a child walks into the building each morning (after getting a big hug). The children take off their shoes and head straight for the bathroom to wash their hands. In the mornings, each of our babies gets to enjoy some play time in the water while they are washed from head to toe. In the afternoons, our older boys head to the bathroom after school to wash off all the dirt and grime acquired throughout the day.

Pray. Before meals, everyone gathers around the table to hold hands and pray. We pray for the children and their families and for their day at school and at Roots & Wings. We pray for the staff and for nap time and we thank Jesus for the food.


Food. Breakfast, snack, lunch and snack. With our lively kids, meal times are never dull. The tiny ones feel the need to inhale their food and audibly complain when they are not being fed as quickly as they feel is required. Our older two chat excitedly about what they did the day before, about school, or about hot sauce and the effects it has on their stomachs. And finally the very littlest of the bunch always manages to send the carrot, previously hidden in her spoonful of food, flying out of her mouth and towards the floor.


Lice check & hairdos. The reality of working in any childcare facility is that children get lice. The additional reality of working in the community surrounding the garbage dump is that many parents take no active steps to prevent or even remove head lice. So each morning we sit down and check each child, removing every little bugger that we find. Then we do our very best to do each kid’s hair in a somewhat cute style; we will get better at this with practice.

Play and learn. The rest of the time is filled with dancing, block towers, counting, racing, colors, animals, pretend, singing, coloring, homework, reading, painting, puzzles and more. All of the activities we do with our kiddos are geared towards furthering each child’s development.


Love. We shower our children with love. We give hugs, kisses and fist bumps. Most importantly we tell our kids that they are loved by God and try our hardest each day to act as instruments of that love.

068A0809~ Our family has two new members! Two gorgeous little gals have joined the daycare! Head over here to read a bit about them! ~