It’s been one year since the Celebrate Recovery group for men began at Roots & Wings. In those initial weeks, we had no idea the impact this program would end up having on a growing group of men, their wives and children, and on Roots & Wings’ ministry.
Sometimes, only one or two men would show up. There were days when it was just Memo, who leads the group, and Carlos, the night guard on duty. But over the course of the last 12 months, God has brought more and more men to find healing and community within this group.
Two weeks ago, eleven men headed into the mountains of Durango to celebrate the one year anniversary of the Celebrate Recovery group. They bonded over fishing, fellowship, worship and times of sharing, and came home pumped up to continue growing and helping even more men find freedom from their addictions and new life in Christ.
Here’s a short video of some of the highlights of their trip.