50k in 50 Days
As we mentioned last week, the cost to complete the first story of the Roots & Wings’ childcare facility is $50,000. So what are we to do?
Yes, we know it’s a lot – but impossible? We think not! Our God is one who MOVES mountains! He is also a God that uses people like YOU and me to glorify His Holy name on earth. What an honor! To do what God has called us here to do, we have to raise a lot of support and so we humbly, yet boldly ask you to get on board with what God has begun here at Roots & Wings.
Step One: Give
Donate. No gift is too small. I know some of you look at $50,000 and think you can’t help – it is simply NOT true! A little goes a LONG way. Whether you can give $2 or $2,000, every little bit brings us that much closer to our goal.
Step Two: Share
Share our fundraising video below with your church, youth group, or Bible study. Share this blog on Facebook and Twitter. Share our story. The more people there are praying for and supporting us, the more we can accomplish through Christ!
Watch on Youtube.
Step Three: Pray
Last, but certainly not least, PRAY! Pray for the upcoming construction. Pray that Roots & Wings may walk in the Lord’s path. Pray for the children that will one day fill the rooms of Roots & Wings.
50K in 50 Days
That’s 250 people giving $200
Or 2,000 people giving $25
However much you can give, you will be helping Roots & Wings change lives.
Please go to our Donate page to make a contribution.