Below are some facts and statistics on our “home” cities and Mazatlan as well as Mexico in general:
San Diego, CA:
- Population: 1,326,179
- Population under age of 15: 20.39%
- Minimum Wage: $8/hour
- Average annual income: $59,477
- Population with high school education or higher: 80.6%
Dallas, TX:
- Population: 1,223,229
- % of population under age of 15: 22.57%
- Minimum Wage: $7.25/hour
- Average annual income: $55,546
- Population with high school education or higher: 79.9%
Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexco:
- Population: 438,434
- % of population under age of 15: 28.5%
- Minimum Wage: $4.97/Day
- Average annual income: $5,837
- Population with high school education or higher: 11%
Children in Mexico:
- By law all children must attend primary and secondary school
- 45% of all children who have enrolled in school drop out before completing the compulsory education level
- The U.S. department of Labor estimates that there are 8-11 million children under the age of 15 working in Mexico
- The average level of education is 8.6 (About halfway through 8th grade)
A free daycare has a profound effect on the children from the moment they walk through the door. The quality of life improves for the whole family. Many of the financial burdens of raising a child are now shared with the daycare. Parents are no longer forced to send their children to work or to beg on the streets in order to help ease their financial hardships. Parents can go to work without facing the dilemma of leaving their child unattended. They no longer have to worry about whether their child is safe, hungry, or running the streets where they are prone to becoming involved in drugs, violence or other dangerous activities.
We wholeheartedly believe that by changing the environment in which children grow up in will not only be a positive impact on them, but on their families and communities as well. This is what we feel called to do. And we’re glad that you’ve come alongside us on this venture.