Why are there only 14 children?

When visitors tour our beautiful, roomy facility, we sometimes get asked the question, “Why are there only 14 children?”


For those of you following our journey for a long time, you could probably answer that question for us. But maybe you just heard about Roots & Wings or maybe you’re one of the folks who has come by recently for a visit.

The answer is tri-fold.

  1. We’ve only been in our new facility for 2 months. Even to us, most days it feels like much longer. But the truth is that the transition was a major adjustment for both our kids and staff and we needed time to settle into our new digs and our new roles.
  2. More children requires more staff. High five to our newest employee, Nidia. She’s kicking butt with our toddlers and preschoolers in the morning and our primary students in the afternoon. We are still on the search for a cook and weekend watchman.
  3. We need more stable monthly support. Right now, Roots & Wings depends largely on one time donations to cover the ministry’s monthly expenses. Monthly donors give us the financial stability we need in order to operate. Child sponsorship helps cover the program essentials – the food, staff, and materials we need to care for the children we currently have. General monthly sponsors help fill in the gaps, from additional program expenses to the administrative and fundraising costs associated with running a non-profit.

Our hearts are eager to grow and help even more families. And we will. But we know that slow growth is the healthiest option for our ministry. It allows us the time and space we need to nurture the hearts and the relationships we have with our current children and those joining the Roots & Wings family.


In our latest newsletter, we told you our birthday wish is to have all our kids fully sponsored. Since the newsletter went out, we have already received THREE new sponsors. In fact, as of today, we are halfway to our goal. 7 of our 14 children are now fully sponsored. Thank you!


Consider sponsoring one of the remaining 7. Or sign up today to sponsor Roots & Wings general fund.