We’ve been working on some merchandise designs for Roots & Wings. We’ve been staring at our name in different fonts, shapes, sizes and colors. (Side note: If you are or know a graphic designer that’d be interested in designing some items for us, let us know!)
It brought me back to just over three years ago, when we were debating, mulling over, scrapping and rewriting name after name after name.
It took us forever to decide on a name. Many of them were good, just not perfect. We tried Spanish. We tried Hebrew. And we finally settled on English.
We chose Roots & Wings because it encompassed the entirety of our mission in two simple words.
In the dictionary, roots is defined as “the fundamental or essential part; the source of a living thing.”
We wanted our children to have a foundation of stability and security, firmly established in the bond of family.
We also desired for them to come to know their Savior and learn to draw life and meaning from a relationship with Christ each and every day.
We wanted to give them flight.
We longed for our children to break free from a life of neglect and brokenness.
We wanted our families to have a place to come and heal, to be restored, to gain direction, and to receive the tools for success before heading out as stable parents, well-adjusted children, and contributing members of their community.
Lately I’ve been discovering that I not only love the name because of what it means for our children, but Roots & Wings is a daily reminder to us of where our center should be, where our eyes and hearts should be focused, and from where we must draw our strength.
Every time we say the name out loud, every time we see it on a piece of paper or on a screen, we are reminded of what it’s all about. Jesus.
We are reminded not to worry about the never-ending to-do lists but to stay grounded in our Savior; to find life in His love and strength in His arms.
We are big on setting and achieving goals. We have busy schedules and a million things that need to get done. It is so easy for us to lose focus – to forget to soak up a baby’s laugh, a child’s embrace, a mother’s victory – God’s craftsmanship in everything and everyone around us. Roots & Wings is soaring and we need to take those moments to soak it all in with hearts full of thanksgiving.
We don’t know every exact detail of God’s future plans for Roots & Wings, but we do know that if we stay rooted in Christ, we won’t fail. He will fulfill His purpose for Roots & Wings – and for us.
“[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”18″ size_format=”px”]Let your roots grow down into him[/typography] and draw up nourishment from him. See that you go on growing in the Lord, and [typography font=”Cantarell” size=”18″ size_format=”px”]become strong and vigorous[/typography] in the truth you were taught. Let your lives [typography font=”Cantarell” size=”18″ size_format=”px”]overflow with joy and thanksgiving[/typography] for all he has done.”
Colossians 2:7