We have a huge praise report! Mike and Terri, a couple who live here in Mazatlan part of the year are letting us stay at their house for 5 months while they are away. We know that many of you have been praying for us in regards to housing and will share in the joy of this news. We thank God for his faithfulness and provision in all things. We thank Mike and Terri for the huge blessing of letting us stay in their home. And we thank all of you for your diligent prayers.
Tuesdays are quickly becoming the highlight of our week. The weekly children’s event in Urias is going really well and we are extremely proud of the children who attend. They are remembering the Bible stories, memorizing the verses and excitedly recite them as soon as they see us the following week. Regular attenders are starting to invite their friends and it warms our hearts when we see the kids explain the Bible lesson to the child who came late or missed the story the previous week.

One of the kids that has really touched us over the weeks is a boy named Noe. Noe is around 11 years old and is a sweet, kind young man. He always arrives early each Tuesday, eager to help set up, and stays long after the majority have left to help stack chairs or wipe down tables. Noe is deaf and communicates mostly through gestures. He reads lips very well and loves to communicate with us. Noe always has a smile on his face and we have grown to really love and appreciate this cheerful young man.
We would also like to remind you that our e-newsletter goes out on the 1st of the month! So if you haven’t already, be sure to sign up to receive Roots & Wings “Tree Mail” by entering your e-mail address in the “Subscribe” box on the bottom of this page or by clicking here.