The Other Stuff

The past 42 days we have blogged, Facebook-ed and Instagram-ed updates on our 50K in 50 Days campaign as we invited you to share, pray and give. We have just over one week left in the campaign, and so now more than ever, we ask you to help us finish STRONG!

While lately fundraising has occupied most of our waking (and oftentimes sleeping) hours, we realize that we have been a little bit remiss in updating you on the other aspects of our ministry and lives here in Mazatlan. So without further delay we present: 

{The Other Stuff}

1. Kid’s Club in Urias hit a record high in attendance. This summer we had between 40 and 60 kids attend every week. It was incredibly fun and incredibly high energy. From the fat babies to the awkward preteens, children flocked in to join us in singing songs of praise and learning about God.




2. We started going out to Isla de la Piedra (aka Stone Island) weekly to teach a Bible lesson to over 80 children. We are truly enjoying getting to know the children of this area as well as becoming more familiar with the island. Stone Island has a very relaxed feel to it; sand under your feet, overturned boats laying about and hammocks swaying in the breeze. Often times this laid back attitude seems to carry over into kid’s club and we find that it has run way over schedule. But watching the sun set on the short boat ride home more than makes up for running a bit late. 







3. We found our new home!! We have scoured the city and finally found a place to rent for the next year. Safe neighborhood, great location and uniquely “us.” We do not need to move for another two months but it is nice to have that matter settled.  A giant THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed for our housing situation with us!