“Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
And where there is sadness, joy.”
Francis Assisi
Roots & Wings’ therapy and counseling department has become a foundational element of our ministry. It is very common for families living in poverty to need emotional and psychological support to help them with a wide range of issues. ALL of our children and their parents have experienced some form of trauma, abuse or neglect in their lifetime and must first heal from their past to fully engage with their future.
We are pleased to introduce to you Fernando Serna, who since July, has been serving as head of our therapy and counseling department. Fernando is a licensed psychologist specializing in clinical psychology with a Christian focus. He has over 6 years of experience working with children and families in both the Christian and secular realms.
Fernando also has many years of experience in the educational sector, having taught preschool through university, which has been an excellent source of ideas, inspiration and training for our teachers.
Fernando has managed to connect and gain the trust of our children and parents in a very short time. Since Fernando joined our team, many things have come to light.
We jokingly tell him to quit bringing us bad news every time he steps into our office. But the reality is that Light is coming to invade the darkness that has controlled this community for so long. And Satan is squirming.
The ground he has so carefully gained and groomed and maintained – the dark corners where he hurts and breaks and destroys the lives of the most vulnerable – is suddenly being illuminated by TRUTH.
And he isn’t going to hand it over without a fight.
The enemy is working hard to maintain control and the battle is far from over. Uncovering what was previously hidden is just the first step toward healing and restoration.
With no reliable government systems in place to ensure the protection and well-being of these children, for many of these kids, we are the only hope they have. And so we are more focused than ever to give our children a place where they can feel safe. A place where their feelings are heard and validated. A place where they are equipped and empowered. A place where they are loved.
In light of many of the issues our families are facing, we’ve begun a complete overhaul of our therapy and counseling processes. We are focused on seeing CHANGE in each of the children’s lives and in those of their families. So we have been busy planning, restructuring and developing new strategies to bring help and healing to each family that God brings to Roots & Wings.
We covet your prayers for us in this regard.
Pray for Fernando. He carries a heavy load at Roots & Wings. Join us in praying that he can begin every day by inviting God to be the leader of the work he carries out. To take every burden to the One who is the ultimate therapist and knows each of our children and families best. And to daily be filled with love, strength, resilience and wisdom in order to bring hope and healing to others.