You can’t really ignore it – the call in the Bible to care for the orphan and the fatherless. We’ve read the Bible passages. We’ve heard the sermons. But what if the best way you could care for them is to help prevent them from ever becoming an orphan in the first place? What if the church rallied around supporting and empowering families to keep their children?
Over 90% of children in institutions in Mexico have known parents and family members.
We love the niche in orphan care that we get to fill. We are passionate about prevention as it gives us the opportunity to come alongside entire families and prevent orphans from ever being created.
And we believe in church partnerships. They are a huge part of what sustains our ministry. They let us know that we are not alone in this fight for families. There are individuals, families and congregations fighting alongside us month after month. They give generously, selflessly, and faithfully because they believe that the families we serve deserve the best chance at staying together.
But we still need you and your church’s help.
Would you and your congregation consider giving towards our next phase in construction?
Your church could give a one-time offering. Your small group could give collectively toward the project. You could share the news with others that Roots & Wings is Growing Up and encourage them to give. And remember, anyone who makes a donation of $50 or more will have their name on a plaque so we can always remember that we are not in this alone!
We would love to see the church – your church – come alongside us and help us make this expansion possible. And together we can fulfill the call to “do good, seek justice, help the oppressed, defend the cause of orphans.” (Isaiah 1:17).
God created families and he intends for children to grow up in them. So let’s invest in solutions that allow vulnerable children to be raised in their family.
Give today! (And remember, right now your gift toward ‘Roots & Wings Grows Up’ campaign will be matched to count double!)