1. We talk about poop. A lot. From Brittany’s poop-flinging incident to Fidel explaining what it means to go “#5,” Roots & Wings is never short on poo-related conversation topics.
2. We can go through 3 kilos of uncooked beans a week. At Roots & Wings, we sure do love our beans: whole or mashed, for breakfast or for lunch, as a main dish or a side, a meal without beans you will rarely find.
3. We find boogers EVERYWHERE. On top of the table. Under the table. In the shower. On the sign-in sheet. On foreheads. Stacked in a pile. On staff clothing. In a smiley snot strand that reaches from nostril to chin. And sometimes even on the very tip of an apple slice.
4. We are constantly telling our kids they are loved. In Bible class, as they head home, randomly throughout the day and even right before they get in trouble. At Roots & Wings, we make sure that every child knows that they are unconditionally loved by us and more importantly by our heavenly Father.
5. We love to pray! For meals, for tests, for sick family members, for courage, for wisdom, for nap time. At Roots & Wings, we try to teach our children to turn to God in all moments; to bring Him our joys and our sorrows, our success and our struggles; to live each day in constant communication with our God.
6. Bathroom time is precious. With 13 kids, 7 staff members and one solitary restroom there seems to always be a line for the facilities.
7. Roots & Wings can get funky. Yes, we do love to bust some pretty sweet dance moves. But with our proximity to the garbage dump, parents who sift through trash for a living, families who have a relaxed notion of personal hygiene, and the unavoidable dust that comes with being under construction, Roots & Wings knows a thing or two about getting dirty.
8. We ♥ cleaning products. Pine-Sol, bleach, soap, hot water and a mountain of rags… at the end of each day Roots & Wings gets scrubbed clean so it’s ready for another day of fun.
9. It gets loud. Belting out a song. Shouts of joy. Reading out loud. Detailed recounting of last night’s soccer game and even a bit of crying here and there. Roots & Wings is always producing our own fabulous melody.
10. Roots & Wings would not be where it is today without awesome people like you! Roots & Wings values every prayer, donation and word of encouragement that we receive. We cannot thank you enough for your support!