It was our first Bible study, and much to everyone’s disappointment, only ONE mother showed up.
“You should invite your husband next week,” the pastor told her.
She snorted. “He’ll never come.”
She’s probably right, we thought. We’ve tried pulling him in a million times but he is completely lost in his addiction. He can’t even be bothered to pick up his kids.
There are so many times when we feel utterly devastated by the massive brokenness in our community. We worry; we question; we rage. Why do parents, who after SO much time and SO much love and SO much effort poured into them choose to continue making the same terrible life choices?
It’s hard to understand sometimes.
We could deny the reality of this brokenness. We could watch a lot of television, eat a lot of junk food and choose to turn our backs on these families that just aren’t willing to change.
Or we could descend into despair and just give up. Sometimes the temptation to do that is strong.
OR – we can look, ONCE AGAIN, to Jesus and trust what the Bible says about Him is true. That He really CAN enter their madness and bring them hope. That we CAN know, definitely, that He sees them, He loves them, and He is able to save them.
Without Jesus, denial and despair are our only options. But with Jesus, we can have hope that He makes all things beautiful in His time. Our failed efforts, our broken families – the dads lost in addiction, the mothers that have given up, the children that are suffering, all of it – He can turn it into something beautiful.
With Jesus, we can get up in the morning and know that everything we do has a purpose, that the small story of Roots & Wings is part of a greater one, and that this grand story will certainly end in victory.
By the way, that woman’s husband, he came to Bible study the following week and gave his life to Christ.
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness, a light has dawned. Isaiah 9:2