Songs, food and piñatas. That is how we celebrated “Dia del Niño” (Children’s Day) with the kids in Urias. Dia del Niño fell on the same day as our weekly outreach in the community. We were so thankful for the opportunity to celebrate the children, shower them with love and show them that even adults find joy in flying kites and playing with toy trucks.

Even moms began to embrace their inner child as every so often they would dart into the fray to scoop up a prize as the candies and small toys sprayed out of the piñata. Smiles were given and returned in abundance, babies were cuddled and laughter rang out. Children and adults alike left happy and with a promise to return next week. As for Rochelle and I, each Tuesday has become the day in which we are renewed with an affirmation of God’s plan for us here in Mazatlan. A day where any stress or worries from the week melt away in the presence of cute babies, talkative toddlers, and mischievous little boys.