So here’s what’s happening.
Many of you know our goal was to open in January. Well, folks, I am the bearer of bad news. We will not be opening this month.
But are we discouraged? Nope. Disappointed? Not in the least. God is the author of this story and so we will allow every chapter to unfold in His timing, not ours. We also do not want to undervalue the importance of this season of preparation and we want to make sure we are fully prepared in every aspect for opening day.

That being said, we are soo [emotionally] ready to open. It’s impossible to share all the emotions, concerns and anxieties that flood our hearts on a daily basis for the children of Urias. We can’t wait to scoop as many of them up as we can and love on them five days a week.

What’s the hold up? Well, here’s our current to-do list:
- Windows, window protections and doors need to be installed
- Tile needs to be laid
- Kitchen cabinetry and appliances put in place
- Bathroom finished
- …and all the electrical!

Sounds like a lot… but we’ve got a great crew and an even greater God so we are confident that it will all come together in the coming week(s).
Still – can we tell you the honest truth? We’re a little scared to publicly state an opening date because, silly as it may seem, we’re afraid that we might jinx it. But I think I can say with some certainty that it will be within the month of February.
So we would covet your prayers in the following weeks. Pray for us as we make decisions on the final details of construction. Pray for us as we begin to interview families and begin home studies. Pray for health, as we have all been battling colds the last few weeks. Pray that in this season of running around and extreme busyness, we will always take the time to rejoice in our wonderful Father and give thanks for the immeasurable blessing it is to rest in Him.