

Tears, random dancing, fist pumps, fist bumps, high fives, and bursting out in song have filled our last few days. On any given day you might see one or two of the aforementioned actions in our household but few events merit the whole smorgasbord. 

So why is everyone from Roots & Wings experiencing such euphoria? Why is the world being subjected to bad dance moves and even worse ballads? 

It all started when Roots & Wings received a letter in the mail! But this was no ordinary letter; it began as follows:

“We are pleased to inform you that upon review of your application for tax exempt status we have determined that you are exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.”

This letter was greatly awaited but very unexpected. In March 2013 we put a stamp on an envelope, said a prayer and sent in our application for tax exempt status to the IRS. A daunting 30 page application whose completion was the product of a considerable amount of time and hard work. An application whose pending status caused many instances of doubt and worry. 

We followed all the news stories on the IRS; we read articles on what Roots & Wings’ options would be if more time passed without a decision; and we frequently checked the official IRS website. We were dismayed to see that the applications currently being reviewed were the ones received in May 2012, a full 10 months before we applied. And so we resigned ourselves to a long wait. 

BUT God is faithful; God’s timing is perfect; and for Him nothing is impossible. Saturday morning arrived and with it THE letter. We can’t explain it; it is no small miracle. And since then we have been unable to contain our joy – praising and thanking our Heavenly Father for His faithfulness and provision!


Nine months ago, when we stepped on that plane bound for Mazatlan, we had a million reasons why we were excited for the journey and year ahead. But I think we can truthfully say God has surpassed every single one of our expectations. 2013 was an incredible year. (Check out January’s Tree Mail for some of Roots & Wings’ most memorable moments.) We thank God for everything He has done in our lives and in Roots & Wings. And we thank you for all your support, prayers, and words of encouragement through it all.

We are beyond excited to see what God has planned for Roots & Wings in 2014 and we invite you to share the journey with us by reading our weekly blog posts and by signing up to receive Roots & Wings’ Newsletter. As we begin this new year, we humbly ask you continue to keep Roots & Wings in your prayers, and if you feel so led, please consider supporting us by clicking here.

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
